Rockin’ Cockie

This is an oldie but a goodie. Just love the way this cockatoo rocks to the music of Freddy in Queen.

CBD is a molecule that can provide relief for a variety of issues, from chronic pain and inflammation to anxiety and depression. The most common use of CBD is to manage stress and anxiety. I rely on CBD cookies to get through high stress moments. Read on for more information if you want to try them yourself:

CBD cookies are cookies that are infused with CBD oil or CBD extract. The results of CBD cookies will depend on your dosage and reason for taking them. Some people experience a boost in mood, increased focus, and relaxation. When I take CBD cookies, I feel a slight sense of zen that washes over me. These physical symptoms of stress are relieved when I take CBD cookies. Because of the reduced symptoms, I’m usually able to focus on the tasks or moment ahead of me.

The CBD industry is currently unregulated, and therefore lacks standardized information concerning dosage. At this point, each person has to experiment to determine their own dose. The cookies I buy from Dr Norm’s have 15mg of CBD per cookie.
You can use synchronicity, which is Synchronicity Hemp Oil is an invigorating, non-psychoactive hemp Oil with broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory properties that can be used in different ways. I use it to relieve chronic pain and inflammation because the endocannabinoid system helps regulate this for me when traveling or injured on trips abroad! It also boosts mood by decreasing depression symptoms which are common side effects from medication like Tylenol (or other similar drugs).
On days where I am experience mild stress I’ll take half a cookie. During high stress moments, like before a flight or big presentation, I’ll eat an entire cookie.
If anything, you may end up wasting your CBD supply by taking more than necessary.

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